Sunday, April 12, 2009

Random Musing To Christen Blog

HOST'S NOTE: Welcome to Off My Line...finally. I decided to start pushing out some content that I've been sitting on because it's easier to sit on it than put pen to, I mean fingers to keys. This first one below won't be pushing the envelope, or keeping with my blog's title...trying to keep Messi or Marta from scoring. But, it's a start. Here's to hitting my goal of two blog posts a week!

Enjoy... kb 6/9/09

I was in the car the other day, driving my usual from point A to point B route. Had a local Bay Area sports talk radio show on and the topic of the day was hockey, or particularly the San Jose Sharks and their lack of media coverage or public interest.

Nothing unusual. I've heard it before and count myself as one of those casual hockey fans who tune in for the playoffs. Actually, I'm even more casual than that, I might tune in for some early playoff games. But really? Don't call me until it's a game where the Stanley Cup could potentially be skated. To me there is no greater tradition in sports. But I digress.

A caller was lamenting the fact that ESPN no longer carries hockey and certainly felt if the network did, hockey would become an overnight phenomenon. It is merely the fact that hockey is relegated to the nether regions of channels in the upper tier of sports junkie packages on cable or satellite that the unwashed masses have failed to see the light of the greatness that is hockey.

Right...sure it is, that's why ESPN dumped it and it's low* ratings three years ago after a lengthy contract.

But again, I digress.

The caller's throw away line before the host moved on was, "...But ESPN shows the WNBA, go figure."


I hate when someone throws the Women's National Basketball Association into any argument in order to make a negative point about something. I'm almost expecting the argument to come down one day to, "Hey, we're in a recession, General Motors is teetering on the edge, but the WNBA still exits. Go figure!"

Really, that argument is coming one day, watch...

*and by low, we're talking lower than the WNBA's ratings that is...just so everyone's clear on the silliness of the argument.

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